Brazil (for Brazilians and everyone else) College Counseling

Brazil (for Brazilians and everyone else) College Counseling
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer/Feriados Options: A Way to Enhance You

I am a big supporter of students attending summer school programs (the right ones) for enhancement academically and emotionally, as well as development for interests and hobbies. Truly, there is no better way to experience being away from home and learning accountability, than having to make your own decisions based on guidance and expectations outside of your regular comfort zone. The tools summer schools can offer are invaluable and are transferrable to the classroom and beyond.

Almost all college applications question your summer activities and your college campus visits. Did you enrich your learning or just your tan? How about enriching your learning and getting a tan? When is it best to go? Any summer (that is June/July on the American/European calendar)- especially the summer after you are finishing up Grade 10- if you are Brazilian- you should plan to go after your first year of ensino medio.

Choosing programs is easy- either choose one that will allow you to be a better student by reinforcing a subject or aim for a course that will help you discover if you want to get into engineering of marine biology. Remember, US colleges do not expect every student to declare a major during admissions- you can take time to develop and refine your taste in the hundreds of majors out there. By exploring your options during holidays, you will build your confidence and your abilities.

Make sure you keep tabs on your experience to later transfer to applications and/or resumes as well as get sealed transcripts and letters of recommendation to bring back to your school counselor or education consultant.

You can search by individual university websites for high school programs or try the Enrichment Alley site for a comprehensive list of opportunities!

You can always ask Brazil College Counseling for guidance in choosing your program.

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